
2016.10.22. 10:37

Fabábuként is felismerné a világhírű rendezőket?

Biztosan, ugyanis kap egy kis segítséget: az alkotókat ikonikus szereplőikkel összeolvadva ábrázolja egy amerikai képzőművész.


Mike Leavitt óriási filmrajongó, kedvenc rendezőit pedig most fából és gyurmából készült bábukon örökítette meg. De természetesen van egy kis csavar a dologban: a filmistenek portréiba híres szereplőik jellegzetes vonásait is belecsempészte.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="650"] Quentin Tarantino

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="650"] Stanley Kubrick

Az eredmény pedig igencsak ötletes.

I Make Fun (@mikeleavitt) által közzétett fénykép,

I Make Fun (@mikeleavitt) által közzétett fénykép,

My James Cameron sculpture is available to buy @jonathanlevinegallery If not you, you're 1 degree from someone wanting & able to buy this. Please send & repost. Thank you!😊 • Contact to purchase this one-off 18 inch cedar wood & polymer clay carving including the wall plaque pictured. This 1/1 #sculpture took me weeks of painstaking labor to complete by myself. • His blockbusters engulf the body of #JamesCameron down to his bones. His skeleton is mechanized in #Terminator machinery. The #Titanic weight of Winslet's ‘French girls’ envelops his pose. He blows her whistle for salvation. He struts her heart of the sea. Yet he’s so swayed that his own gender yields to the Titanic. His is the #Alien of his own doing. An #Avatar fallen to Earth, #Cameron is truly a bizarre do-gooder. • #WoodSculpture #KingCutsCameron #sculpture #PopArt #WoodWorking #ContemporaryArt #FilmDirector #JonathanLeVineGallery #NewYork #ArtGallery #KateWinslet #cinephile #KingCuts #WoodCarving #CultMovie #CultMovies #HiPopProject

I Make Fun (@mikeleavitt) által közzétett fénykép,

My Tim Burton sculpture is available to buy @jonathanlevinegallery If not you, you're 1 degree from someone wanting & able to buy this. Please send & repost. Thank you!😊 • Contact to purchase this one-off 18 inch cedar wood & polymer clay carving including the wall plaque pictured. This 1/1 #sculpture took me weeks of painstaking labor to complete by myself. • #Batman is carved in the heart of #TimBurton . He's gripped in the throws of a #Beetlejuice crawling up his jugular veins. He entrusts his platforms to carry him along #PeeWeesBigAdventure . It's hard to tell how it'll end. He can't even get around his own #Scissorhands . • • • #EdwardScissorhands #ContemporaryArt #WoodCarving #KingCuts #CultMovie #PopArt #WoodWorking #WoodSculpture #ContemporaryArt #CultMovies #FilmDirector #TimKingCuts #PeeWeeHerman #BatmanReturns #PeeWee #JohnnyDepp #AliceinWonderland #AliceThroughTheLookingGlass #HiPopProject

I Make Fun (@mikeleavitt) által közzétett fénykép,

My Scorsese sculpture is available to buy @jonathanlevinegallery If not you, you're 1 degree from someone wanting & able to buy this. Please send & repost. Thank you!😊 • Contact to purchase this one-off 18 inch cedar wood & polymer clay carving including the wall plaque pictured. This 1/1 #sculpture took me weeks of painstaking labor to complete by myself. • The #PassionOfTheChrist possesses #MartinScorsese . He martyrs himself with the guns of #Goodfellas and #TaxiDriver . He is the #RagingBull of curse words. Take or be taken. #Scorsese is a fighter. • • • #TravisBickle #RobertDeNiro #ContemporaryArt #WoodCarving #KingCuts #CultMovie #PopArt #WoodWorking #DeNiro #WoodSculpture #TheDeparted #WolfofWallStreet #ContemporaryArt #CultMovies #FilmDirector #KingCutsScorsese #HiPopProject

I Make Fun (@mikeleavitt) által közzétett fénykép,

Alfred Hitchcock Quentin Tarantino Stanley Kubrick -->

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